Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween

This year were had the Fairy Tale theme going on. Kaeden was a prince, unless you asked his Dad then he was a knight. Wyatt was a Dragon and Emerson was a Fairy. The kids had such a great time! Kaeden really GOT it this year.. He figured out quickly that the houses with the lights on were the ones the he got to go trick or treating at.. He would be running up the houses while Jason and I were trying to get Wyatt to speed it up a little.. LOL. He was the slowest Dragon I have ever seen. Emerson on the other had was too busy trying to see what was in her bag, then going to the next house. It really was alot of fun!
Kaeden, Wyatt and Emerson going up to do some trick or treating
Kaeden, Wyatt, and Emerson
Kaeden as a Prince (unless you ask his Dad then he was a Knight)
Emerson as a Fairy.
Wyatt as a Dragon

Sara and Stephen's Wedding..

We went to the Twin Cities for my Cousin Stephen's Wedding. Stephen and his wife live in Alaska, so when I found out that they would be getting married in the cities I was super excited because I would be able to make it since it's only 4 hrs from us. I have not been able to see Stephen very often in the last 15 or so years because of him living in Alaska. The last 2 times we have seen each other it has unfourtunately been for sad occations. We were very happy to finally see each other for a happy occations! I didn't take many pictures but here's what I did take!

Stephen watching Sara walk down the aisle.
Stephen and Sara saying their vows.
Their first Dance.

Myself and Stephen.

More Underwater Adventure

I have a more pictures from Underwater Adventures.

Kaeden was so impressed with this 16 lb lobster. I think it his favorite thing.
I just love this picture of Kaeden and the octopus.
Some seahorses
Emerson looking at the Nemo tank
Kaeden and Wyatt looking at the Nemo Tank

Underwater Adventures

The weekend of October 24th we all went up to the Twin Cities for my Cousin Stephens wedding. While we were there we thought it would be fun to take the kids to Underwater Adventures in the Mall of America. The kids really enjoyed it.. and honestly I really enjoyed watching the kids see all of the underwater animals.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

That sucks..

Yesterday.. Jason was helping Kaeden get his pj's on.... Kaeden's arm had gotten stuck in the sleeve and Kaeden said " Well that sucks"..

Okay.. so It really was a location situation.. you HAD to have been there.. but it really was too funny.. Jason and I were just laughing and shaking our heads.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Wyatt and Emerson at the lake..
The car ride back to my sister Shalah's house... 4 sleeping kids..

Kaeden and our cat Jorjia

Wyatt decided that he really wasn't finished with his bath, even though I said he was.. lol

And YES.. he IS sound asleep....

Sorry it's been SOO long!!

I can't believe it's been almost 2 months sents I've posted a blog! I'm horrible at this.. LOL.. So for starters.. some randon picturesWyatt, Emerson and Kaeden looking at the train set up in the Depot Building at the Clay County Fair... I seriously didn't think we were EVER going to get Wyatt out of there.. :-)
Wyatt.. I love this picture!
Kaeden, Emerson, Wyatt.. just hanging out.. I think they were watching the movie "Cars". Jason actually jumped in front of the TV to try to snap a picture before they could move. DO you know how hard it is to get a picture of all 3 of them together?

My Nephew Evan, Kaeden, Emerosn and Wyatt at My Grandma Joyce's placeEmerson and Wyatt at the Lake over Labor day...

Friday, July 24, 2009

Then and Now- Wyatt Charles

Birth ( 1 day)
6 weeks

Then and Now- Wyatt Charles

3 months
6 months

9 months

12 months

2 years

Then and Now Emerson

Birth ( 2 days)

6 weeks

Then and Now.. Emerson Lavonne

3 months
6 months

9 months

12 months
2 years

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The End..


Wyatt loved the boat ride so much.. that he fell asleep!

He slept right through the boat docking..

more boat ride pics

Kaeden and Wyatt
Daddy and Emerson...she probably would have jumped in if we would have let her

Mommy and Wyatt

Emerson and Mommy
