Monday, May 25, 2009

Here's some pictures of Kaeden and Emerson

Kaeden climbing up the slide.
Emerson being her usually goofy self!

Emerson.. as Zoolander!

Wyatt leaving the hospital

Wyatt loved to stand in the window.. the peds room at a prettier view then the PICU room.

Wyatt is dressed and ready to go..

Wyatt carrying his new train tracks..

Wyatt walking up to one of the many little doors along the halls..

Pictures of Wyatt leaving the hospital.. (sorry so late in posting these)

Wyatt opening the little doors that are placed all over the hospital.. there little secret pictures inside each door..
what you see as you get off the elevator onto the second floor

What you see if as you walk in the hospital

Picture of the inside of the hospital as you leave

This is a pictures of the outside of Sanford Childrens hospital.
Wyatt's Peds room was the window on the second floor, left corner.

Monday, May 18, 2009

We are home!

Just a quick note to say that Wyatt was discharged from the Hospital yesterday around noon. We made it back home around 3. Wyatt is doing great is was very excited to be home and play with His toys.. Thank you all for your thoughts and Prayers!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Oxygen Free!

this was taken with the webcam... and it was kind of dark.
Wyatt had a oxygen free night last night!! So there is a good chance that we might get to go home today... they are waiting on some tests to come back. Hopefully we will know sometime this morning.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Wyatt is now on the regular Peds floor

Wyatt is now on the regular Peds floor. He got moved down around 3 or 4 this afternoon. YYAAYY!!! He only needs Oxygen now when he sleeps, so as soon as he no longer needs that he should be able to go home.

Just a pic of Wyat digging in to his supper! I think he ate almost everything on his plate.. the best he has eaten since thursday..

And a video of WYatt talking on the phone..

Wyatt is in the Hospital

Wyatt is in the PICU at Sanford Childrens Hospital in Sioux Fall, SD. Yesterday morning Wyatt was having a VERY hard time breathing, So I took him to the Dr in Emmetsburg where they decided that the best thing for him would be to ship him to a different hospital that had a pediactics unit. Because he was alittle worse then they felt comfortable with.

So Wyatt and I were flown from Emmetsburg to Sioux Falls and admitted to the PICU. He is doing SO much better then he was yesterday. He is not having as much difficulty breathing but is still having trouble keeping his O2 stats up when he sleeps so they think we will probably be a here another day for sure. The Dr and Nurse here are trying to get him out of the PICU and on to the regular peds unit as he really does not need to he in the PICU any more.

Here are a couple of pictures of Wyatt..

Wyatt hanging out with Daddy after he woke up from a nice long nap.
Wyatt down for the night.

Wyatt is feeling much better today. He is not hooked up to anything in this picture.. he does have his O2 tube on but it doesn't need to be turned on unless he is sleeping..

Friday, May 8, 2009

My Nephew

This is my nephew Evan (6 months).. It's he a cutie too!! And this was taken at his FIRST taste of green beans.. as you can tell.. he was not the biggest fan of them... Evan is my sister Shalahs son. They live about 9 hours from me. So I've only gotten to see Evan once (the same with Sam and Ella).. which makes me all the more thankfull for the internet because I do get pictures every so often of them.. (Tra your off the hook cause you just sent some) HINT HINT Shalah..LOL

My nieces..

Ella, Bob, Samantha

I just had to share this picture of my nieces that Tra sent me today. Aren't they little cuties! Sam and Ella are now 8 months old...
Look really close at their bows..................LOL They have deer heads on them!!!
Can you tell that Bob likes to hunt? Once again.. great job, AUNT Nancy!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Heres a couple of pictures of ALL of the Bows that Emersons AUNCY (Aunt Nancy) made of her, along with amazing bow holder! I have to say that by far my favorite bows are the Black and White ones with all the Bling!!

Love you AUNCY!

Monday, May 4, 2009

One of Kaeden too

I can't post pictures of the twins with out posting a picture of Kaeden. Here he is posing with the trucks that his GREAT AUNT Nancy sent him and Wyatt (with Emersons bows)

Little Sister got some new bows!!

These are just several of the new bows that arrived today from Emerson GREAT AUNT Nancy! What a suprise! She made Emerson quite a few bows and a fabulous bow holder to go with them. I was only able to get Emerson to try 3 of them on before she was tired of that. But I'll get pictures of the rest of them. AUNT Nancy did a fantastic job! THANKS AUNT Nancy!! We love you!

These picture cracks me up..

Wyatt just cracks me up in these pictures.. LOL..he was waiting patiently for supper..